Site-Reading Writing Quarterly

21 December 2019

Dear Friends,

As we approach the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, and the longest in the south, I am sharing the first issue of Site-Reading Writing Quarterly, which will go live on 21 December 2019.[i]

Each solstice and equinox I am inviting two writers to read each other’s work, hoping to help generate more interest in the amazing writing in our expanded field, explore ways of ‘reading writing’ that critique the practice of ‘reviewing’ from a situated perspective, and that re-write the genre and texture of the ‘critical review essay’.

My massive thanks to Mona Livholts and Hélène Frichot who, with everything else they have going on, agreed to inaugurate this reading writing experiment, and it is no surprise to discover that the theme of their dyadic reading writing emerged as ‘exhaustion’!


And a big thank you to those who have recently sent new projects for and; to Maryjane Orley & Martin Purvis for allowing me to use their Solar Trajectories and to Stuart Munro the designer who makes these websites.


If you would have a written work that you’ve recently completed and/or someone else’s work that you’d like to read, please get in touch.



Jane Rendell, ‘Site-Reading Writing Quarterly,’ in Meike Schalk, Torsten Lange, Andreas Putz, Elena Markus (eds) Species of Theses and Other Pieces (Transcript Publishing, 2022), 363–383.

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